
There is power in numbers! By joining your 44,000-plus colleagues in KEA, you become part of the largest labor organization in Kentucky dedicated to protecting and supporting public schools, students, and educators.

Membership in KEA provides the peace of mind to Kentucky educators that workplace issues and concerns are being advocated for and protected at home and in Frankfort. KEA works to secure and protect salaries, benefits, job security, retirement benefits and the right to a quality public education for every student.

In addition, member benefits include great deals and savings on hundreds of services and recreation. Check out all the great savings available to KEA members.

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Helpful Hints
  • What if I was a previous member?
    If you were a previous member of KEA and are re-joining, select the "I Want to Join KEA" option and then on the next screen select the option for "I was a member of KEA before."